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SSH protocol allows you to access your remote account with the ssh client using two
different methods of authorization. You can use the password to your account or pub-
lic/private keys.
The command discussed in Recipe 11-1:
$ ssh -p2222 vagrant@
uses the first method. Access is granted if you provide a valid password to the account.
This method is straightforward but not convenient because git will ask for your pass-
word whenever you push or fetch.
The second method of authorization relies on RSA keys. There are two of them:
private and public. Let's assume that your current account is person@local and that
your private key is named id_rsa , and your public key is named . To
allow access to the account foreign@remote from the account person@local
you have to:
• Log into the foreign@remote account using the password
• Create a file named /.ssh/authorized_keys for the for-
eign@remote account
• Append the contents of the public key from the per-
son@local to the file created in the previous step
The authorized_keys file is a very simple and effective way to allow access to
the SSH account. This file can contain an arbitrary number of public keys, each in sep-
arate lines.
The first step to master SSH authorization is to use the default /.ssh/id_rsa
and /.ssh/ files and authorized_keys on the remote host.
Sooner or later you will wonder why the keys have to be called /.ssh/id_rsa and
/.ssh/ . What if I want to use two or more pairs of keys? In that case
you will have to change the configuration of your ssh client.
Hint You can treat the /.ssh/authorized_keys file as the list of individuals
allowed to open the ssh session without giving a password.
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