Information Technology Reference
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With this method every developer has full access to all repositories available to the
git user. You cannot restrict access or define permissions on a per user basis.
There is no public read-only access for any of the repositories.
RSA keys
The command:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C
generates the private/public key pair for the RSA algorithm. You will be asked two
important questions: the path and passphrase. Both are important.
If you already have a pair of keys named /.ssh/id_rsa and /.ssh/ then you should not override them. They can be very important to you.
If you are not sure do not remove or override these files. Use the keys that you already
Assuming that your /.ssh/ directory doesn't contain id_rsa and , you can use the -f parameter for the ssh-keygen command:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C -f .ssh/id_rsa
By using this command, you will avoid the question about the path. You can also
use a different filename for your keys as in:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C -f peter
This command will generate two files: peter and in the current dir-
ectory. To use them, you will need the /.ssh/config file, as described in the
“SSH configuration” section.
The second question asked by the ssh-keygen command is a passphrase. This is
a password that protects your private key. You will have to type it every time you run a
git push or fetch command.
SSH and authorized_keys
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