Information Technology Reference
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# Guest OS (Ubuntu 12.04)
# Commands executed by vagrant user
$ sudo sh -c 'cat /var/tmp/ >> /home/git/.ssh/
Hint Instead of one command:
$ sudo sh -c 'cat /var/tmp/ >> /home/git/
you can also use two commands:
$ sudo su
# cat /var/tmp/ >> /home/git/.ssh/
To revoke the ssh access, the administrator has to remove the line with Peter's pub-
lic key from the /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the git account.
Working with remote repository
Peter wants to work in the lorem repository created by the administrator. He wants to:
• Clone the repository
• Create some revisions
• Push his work to the remote repository
First, Peter has to log on to his account:
# Guest OS (Ubuntu 12.04)
# Commands executed by vagrant user
$ sudo su - peter
Then he configures git:
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