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The first three problems will be solved in Recipe 11-5. We will use a git account and
RSA keys to do it.
The fourth problem will be solved in Recipes 11-6 and 11-7 in which we will use git
and http protocol to host git repositories.
The last problem will be solved in Recipe 11-10 with gitolite.
11-5. Simplifying ssh authorization with
You want to improve the solution from Recipe 11-4 in a way that:
• Developers don't need the password to the vagrant account anymore
• Developers don't have to type passwords when they clone, fetch, or push
• No one can get ssh access to the host with shared repositories
Initialize and boot the new virtual machine:
# Host OS (e.g., Windows, Linux, OS X)
$ cd git-recipes
$ mkdir 11-05
$ cd 11-05
$ vagrant init precise32
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
Install git on virtual machine:
# Guest OS (Ubuntu 12.04)
$ sudo apt-get install -y git
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