Information Technology Reference
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$ git push origin master
The credentials he uses are the same as he used previously:
username: vagrant
password: vagrant
Hint If you want to access the virtual system over the network, you will need to
configure port forwarding, adding the following line to the Vagrantfile: con- :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: 3333
After adding this line to the Vagrantfile, reload the virtual machine with: $
vagrant reload
If the IP address of the machine running the virtual system is,
then everyone on your local network who knows the credentials of the vagrant
account can access the virtual system with: $ ssh -p3333 vag-
The following command can be use to clone the repository: $ git clone
Checking the log of the repository stored on the virtual
You want to check the history of the bare repository hosted in the virtual system. Open
the ssh session:
# Host OS (e.g., Windows, Linux, OS X)
# the command should be executed in 11-04 directory
$ vagrant ssh
Enter the 03-01.git directory:
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