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# Guest OS (Ubuntu 12.04)
$ exit
Copying a bare repository with scp
Create the bare repository you want to share. We will use the repository created in Re-
cipe 3-1.
# Host OS (e.g., Windows, Linux, OS X)
$ cd git-recipes
$ git clone --bare 03-01 03-01.git
The bare repository is available in the 03-01.git directory. Copy the bare repos-
itory onto your virtual machine with:
# Host OS (e.g., Windows, Linux, OS X)
$ scp -P 2222 -r 03-01.git vagrant@
Use the following credentials:
username: vagrant
password: vagrant
If you want to check that the bare repository was really copied, open the ssh session:
# Host OS (e.g., Windows, Linux, OS X)
$ cd git-recipes
$ cd 11-04
$ vagrant ssh
and list the files with:
# Guest OS (Ubuntu 12.04)
$ ls
You will see that the directory /home/vagrant now contains the 03-01.git
directory. You can enter this repository and check the log with:
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