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You are a member of a team. You pushed your work to the remote branch named new-
web-interface . This branch was integrated into the master branch and is no
longer used. You are asked by the leader to remove the remote branch new-web-in-
terface . You want to remove your local branch as well.
In this recipe we are using the scenario from Recipe 10-8. You act as a developer
working in johns-repo .
Copy the all the repositories from Recipe 10-8:
$ cd git-recipes
$ cp -R 10-08 10-11
$ cd 10-11
Now you are working as John. All the commands should be run in 10-11/
johns-repo :
1. You update your project with $ git fetch .
2. Go to the master branch: $ git checkout master
3. Update your master branch with $ git rebase origin/mas-
4. Check for branches that can safely be removed: $ git branch --
merged . The output should include—among others— new-web-in-
terface branch. This means that the new-web-interface branch
can be safely removed. The command $ git branch --merged is
a safety check: if the branch new-web-interface is not printed by
this then it is not safe to delete the branch.
5. Remove the remote branch new-web-interface in shared-repo
as well as your local tracking branch origin/new-web-interface
with $ git push origin :new-web-interface
6. Finally remove your new-web-interface branch with: $ git
branch -d new-web-interface
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