Information Technology Reference
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Copy the all the repositories from Recipe 10-7:
$ cd git-recipes
$ cp -R 10-07 10-09
$ cd 10-09
How can a leader download the first version of your
To download the first version of your work, the leader updates his repository with (the
commands should be run in 10-09/leaders-repo ):
• He fetches your revisions: $ git fetch.
• He goes to the new-web-interface branch: $ git checkout
new-web-interface .
How can a developer append commits to a remote
To add new commits follow these steps (the commands should be run in 10-09/
johns-repo ):
1. Go to new-web-interface branch: $ git checkout new-
2. Create the new commits: $ git simple-commit n1 n2 n3 n4
3. Publish your work: $ git push origin new-web-interface
Howcanaleader downloadthelatestrevisions fromare-
mote branch?
The leader updates his repository with (the commands should be run in 10-09/
leaders-repo ):
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