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# command issued by leader in 10-07/leaders-repo directory
$ git remote add origin ../shared-repo
At this point you join the team:
# command issued in git-recipes/10-07 directory
$ git clone shared-repo johns-repo
Because we will copy the three repositories created in this recipe, John needs to re-
define his origin to use relative path:
# command issued in 10-07/johns-repo directory
$ git remote rm origin
$ git remote add origin ../shared-repo
To contribute to the project follow the procedure (all the commands should be is-
sued in 10-07/johns-repo ):
1. Create the branch for your contributions: $ git checkout -b
2. Commit in your new-web-interface branch: $ git simple-
commit a b c
3. Send the branch to the shared repository: $ git push -u origin
Now your contributions are stored in the remote branch new-web-interface in
the remote repository shared-repo .
How It Works
This recipe presents a much more convenient solution for organizing the cooperation of
project members then working in a master branch. By using a dedicated remote branch
for a task, you gain more flexibility in setting groups within your team. You also can
inspect the code before merging it into the master branch.
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