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# sarah's command
$ git fetch -p
Now the work on doc branch is finished. There is no remote branch doc in the
shared repository or in any other member's repository other than John's. John is the
leader and he is responsible for the integration of the doc branch into the master
branch. He can use any method that was discussed in chapters 6 and 7 . For example, he
can merge the doc branch into the master branch in such a way that it forms a bulb.
The exact procedure was presented in Recipe 7-6. Once he integrates the doc branch
into the master branch John pushes the master branch containing the doc branch in-
to the shared repository. This is done exactly as in Recipe 10-4 and maybe (if John
needs to rebase the bulb) with Recipe 7-9.
John can restrict the access to remote branches using gitolite, as discussed in Recipe
How It Works
The command:
$ git push [remote-name] [branch-name]
creates the remote branch named branch-name in the repository aliased by
remote-name . To succeed, the branch branch-name has to exist in the repository
where you are working. It doesn't have to be your current branch, however. If you want
to push your current branch you can use:
$ git push [remote-name] HEAD
Used for an ordinary local branch without -u , as in:
$ git push origin doc
the command performs three actions:
• It creates a remote tracking branch origin/doc in the local repository.
• It creates a remote branch doc in remote repository.
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