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you fetched and before you executed $ git status -sb or $ git branch -a
-vv .
Why tracking branches matter
You should have noticed that $ git status -sb always compares the local track-
ing branch and the remote tracking branch. This comparison is performed for your cur-
rent branch. To get the [ahead N, behind M] output of $ git status -sb ,
you need to define the tracking for your current branch. If there are no
[branch"..."] entries in your configuration file .git/config , such as:
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
then git doesn't know which branches to compare. The output of $ git status -
sb would not contain [ahead N, behind M] information.
When you clone a repository, git automatically configures tracking for your mas-
ter branch. Git also sets the tracking when you pass to checkout command the name
of the remote branch—as $ git checkout doc in Recipe 5-2. Otherwise, you
have to set up tracking manually. Here are some different solutions to achieve it:
$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master com-
mand (as shown in the hint in Recipe 10-1)
$ git push -u origin master command (as shown in the hint
in Recipe 10-2)
$ git config branch commands (as shown in the hint in Recipe
• Manually editing the .git/config file
Once set, the tracking information can be used to simplify many commands. If you
are currently on the master branch that was set to track the origin/master
branch, then the three commands $ git rebase , $ git rebase origin/
master , and $ git rebase origin/master master are equivalent.
Basically, there are two reasons to define tracking branches:
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