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Figure 10-14 . The state of the branches after $ git simple-commit b1 b2 executed in sarahs-repo shown in Figure
You can verify the state of Sarah's repository with the $ git log --oneline
--decorate command. The output:
b019 (HEAD, master) b2
978f b1
66ad (origin/master, origin/HEAD) a3
91d5 a2
b189 a1
contains the labels master and origin/master that point to the appropriate revi-
sions. Short abbreviated information about the state of the branches also can be
achieved with the $ git status -sb command. When executed in sarahs-
repo in Figure 10-14 , this command would produce the following output:
## master...origin/master [ahead 2]
This informs you that your local tracking branch contains two revisions that have
not been included in the remote tracking branch. In other words: the local tracking
branch master is two revisions ahead of the remote tracking branch origin/mas-
ter .
As you can see the commit operation moves only the local tracking branch forward.
The remote tracking branch and remote branch are left intact.
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