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* master dc30648 a3
The repositories look like Figure 10-2 .
Figure 10-2 . The state of the repositories after John's a1, a2, a3 commits
John sends his a1 , a2 , and a3 revisions to the shared-repo repository with:
# john's command
$ git push -u origin master
The command creates a new branch in the remote shared-repo repository. The
new remote branch is named master . Thanks to the -u parameter the above com-
mand creates a remote tracking branch origin/master in johns-repo . You can
verify it with the $ git branch -a -vv command. The output would be similar
* master dc30648 [origin/master] a3
remotes/origin/master dc30648 a3
As you can see John's repository contains a local tracking branch master and a re-
mote tracking branch origin/master . We can say that the -u parameter converted
the ordinary local branch named master into a local tracking branch. The repositories
now look like Figure 10-3 .
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