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C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd
This folder contains the git binary file and the shell script to run git
The first choice in the dialog box is Use Git Bash only . With this setting the path
variable is not modified. When you start a Windows command line and type git, the
command line will respond with a message that the git command does not exist.
The second choice, Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt , adds the
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd folder to your path. Thus, you can use git command in
the windows command line. When you type ssh in the windows command line,
however, the system will respond with an unknown command message.
The last choice is Run Git and included Unix tools from the Windows Command
Prompt . This choice adds two folders C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin and C:\Program
Files (x86)\Git\cmd to your path. Now, you can use all the included tools in the Win-
dows Command line: ssh, git, ls, curl, and so on. But some commands in C:\Program
Files (x86)\Git\bin, such as find, overlap with the original commands available in Win-
dows. The original find is not available now in the command line.
When I was writing this topic my intention was to present the commands that can
work in exactly the same way on all platforms. Thus I decided to use the bash com-
mand line. If you work on Windows and want to use bash command line, then you can
leave the default first choice Use Git Bash only .
The second dialog box, which is titled Configuring the line ending conversions , sets
the configuration option named core.autocrlf to one of these values: true , in-
put , or false . The meaning of this setting is summarized in Table 1-1 .
Table 1-1 . All values of the core.autocrlf option and their influence on the checkout and
commit operations
input None
false None
When you choose the first setting, the value true , git will convert the end-of-line
characters in your files during the checkout and commit operations. When you check
the files out, git will convert LF to CRLF and when you commit git will convert CRLF
to LF.
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