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With the above command you will get a file in which conflicts are denoted with
<<<<<<< ours and >>>>>>> theirs labels, as in:
<<<<<<< ours
>>>>>>> theirs
The above output doesn't contain the original line before the branches en and fr
diverged. If that is important to you, use the command:
$ git checkout --conflict=diff3 numbers.txt
It will create the file with the contents shown in Listing 9-7 . This time, the file con-
tains another section tagged base . The base section displays the version stored in a
merge baseā€”the commit returned by the $ git merge-base en fr command.
Listing 9-7. The conflict presented in diff3 format
<<<<<<< ours
||||||| base
>>>>>>> theirs
Hint In Recipe 5-12 we discussed the command to restore an arbitrary file from an
arbitrary revision: $ git checkout [REVISION] [filename] . It can be ap-
plied instead of using --ours or --theirs parameters. In this recipe, the command
$ git checkout en numbers.txt is equivalent to $ git checkout --
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