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two - deux
Clone the repository from Recipe 9-1:
$ cd git-recipes
$ git clone-with-branches 09-01 09-02
$ cd 09-02
$ git checkout en
Your current branch now is en . Merge the fr branch into en with $ git merge
fr . This time the automatic merge fails with the following message:
Auto-merging numbers.txt
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in numbers.txt
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the
As you can see the merging was paused. You have to fix conflicts and then commit
the result. The output of $ git status -s is:
UU numbers.txt
The conflicted files are labeled with UU , which according to $ git status --
help stands for updated but unmerged . The contents of numbers.txt right after $
git merge fr is shown in Listing 9-5 .
Listing 9-5. The contents of the numbers.txt file right after the $ git merge fr command
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