Information Technology Reference
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How It Works
The interactive rebasing is implemented as an iteration that loops through the com-
mands shown in Listing 8-10 . This iteration is performed in a detached HEAD state.
When you close the editor containing the subcommands shown in Listing 8-10 git
enters detached a HEAD state and performs the iteration.
The first subcommand in Listing 8-10 is edit 9aa7b18 x . This command first
applies the patch defined by the revision x identified with 9aa7b18 and then the re-
basing is paused. You are left in a detached HEAD state right after the patch x . If you
want to verify, this run the command $ git status -sb . You will see the follow-
ing output:
## HEAD (no branch)
It proves that you are now working in a detached HEAD state. The bash command
gajdaw@GAJDAW /c/git-recipes/08-07 (master|REBASE-i 1/3)
prints the information that you are performing a rebase operation with three patches
and that the first patch was applied.
As you know, git allows you to work in a detached HEAD state with commands
such as $ git add and $ git commit . Thus you can create a new file with $
echo y > y.txt , stage it with $ git add y.txt , and finally amend the cur-
rent commit with $ git commit --amend --no-edit . That's how the x com-
mit gets modified. If you skip the --no-edit option, then git will fire the editor and
you will get the chance to modify the comment for revision x '.
Once you finish with the x commit you can proceed with creating revision z . When
this is finished you finalize the recipe with the $ git rebase --continue com-
It's worth noting that when interactive rebasing is paused you may modify the his-
tory with other methods. You can insert additional commits with $ git commit or
you can remove some commits with $ git reset . However, you cannot perform
another interactive rebasing until you finish the first one.
You can abort paused rebasing with $ git rebase --abort . To undo the op-
eration use reflog.
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