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$ cd 08-04
$ echo a > a.txt
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m a
$ echo b > b.txt
$ echo c > c.txt
$ echo d > d.txt
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m b
Verify that the repository contains two revisions with the $ git log --
oneline command and that the last revision really contains three files. The output of
the $ git show --name-only command will print three filenames: b.txt ,
c.txt , and d.txt .
Now, reset your history to revision a , preserving the modifications introduced by re-
vision b in the working directory as the new uncommitted change. You can do this with
the $ git reset HEAD command. After this command the state of your reposit-
ory returned by $ git status -sb will be the following:
?? b.txt
?? c.txt
?? d.txt
As you can see the files are now untracked. You can create three different revisions
$ git add b.txt
$ git commit -m b
$ git add c.txt
$ git commit -m c
$ git add d.txt
$ git commit -m d
The recipe is finished. You can check that the history contains four revisions a , b , c ,
and d with the $ git log command. Every revision contains a single file. To verify
it use the following commands:
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