Information Technology Reference
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How It Works
This recipe explains how you can create many divergent branches. We only use com-
mands already quite well-known to achieve this: clone , checkout , and simple-
commit . That's how you can easily generate a repository with a given structure. This
capability is very useful, in case you want to analyze a git command and the impact it
has on the graph's structure.
Keep in mind that when you use the $ git log command with --graph option
the drawing you get can be a little different. The result of $ git log --oneline
--graph --decorate --all for a repository from Figure 7-8(b) is shown in
Figure 7-9 .
Figure 7-9 . The repository from Figure 7-8(b) as drawn by $ git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all
Once you create the repository shown in Figure 7-8 , many questions regarding the
graph of revisions may arise. Such as the following:
• How to find a common ancestor of branches a and b ?
• How to find a common ancestor of arbitrary number of branches?
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