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Figure 7-3 . More exact rebasing copies of revisions f1, f2, and f3 into another branch—original revisions are left
The Figure 7-3 contains a hint on how to recover from rebasing. To undo rebasing
all you have to do is to change the revision that is pointed to by the feature branch.
You should remember from the previous chapter that branches are just pointers. You
can treat them as stickers: everything can be unstuck from one place and then stuck
again in another location. This operation does not modify the database—all revisions
remain intact. If you modify the feature branch in such a way that it points to the
f3 revision again, the rebasing will be undone.
Let's find the original revision f3 . As always—you can use the $ git reflog
command. But this time its output can be misleading. Probably it will be easier to ex-
plore reflog with the $ git log command. We want to get the list of all the commits
• Are included in reflog
• Have comments containing f3 string
The appropriate command is presented in Listing 7-1 . The format defined with the -
-pretty parameter prints shortened hashes ( %h placeholder), comments ( %s place-
holder), and commit dates ( %cd placeholder). Every commit can appear in reflog many
times. Actually, every checkout will store a new reference to the commit in reflog.
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