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Clone the repository from Recipe 6-1 with branches:
$ cd git-recipes
$ git clone-with-branches 06-01 06-04
$ cd 06-04
and create two new revisions with:
$ git simple-commit m4 m5
How It Works
This recipe underlines the fact that the work in different branches can continue in par-
allel . In that case we say that the two branches master and feature diverge . The
exact moment in time when commits m4 and f1 were created is not important, the il-
lustrations will usually show them at the same level, as in Figure 6-5 . In practice, they
are always created at different moments. Therefore the commands that visualize a
graph of revisions, such as $ git --oneline --graph --decorate --all
or $ gitk --all& , always present them at different levels, as in Figure 6-6 . The re-
visions m4 and m5 were created later and therefore they will appear above revisions
f1 , f2 , and f3 .
Figure 6-6 . The commits m4 and m5 were created later than the commits f1, f2, f3 and therefore they are drawn
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