Information Technology Reference
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$ cd git-recipes
$ git clone-with-branches 05-01 05-11
$ cd 05-11
You are in the master branch. Change the name of the info branch to inform-
ation with:
$ git branch -m info information
Finally, change the name of the master branch to doc with:
$ git branch -M master doc
How It Works
The command $ git branch -m [old-name] [new-name] renames the
branch named old-name to new-name . If the branch with a new name already ex-
ists, then you can overwrite it using $ git branch -M [old-name] [new-
name] . In this case the existing new-name branch will be lost.
By the way, did you notice? The master branch can be renamed and re-
moved—just as any other branch.
5-12. Checking out a file from a different
While working on a project with many branches, you have just realized that while on
one branch you need some files from another branch. You want to checkout files from
a branch that is not your current branch.
Clone the repository created in Recipe 5-1 with:
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