Information Technology Reference
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Clone the repository created in Recipe 5-1 with all the branches:
$ cd git-recipes
$ git clone-with-branches 05-01 05-06
$ cd 05-06
The repository is now clean and contains three branches. You currently are on the
master branch. Change your current branch to info with:
$ git checkout info
and then modify the working directory with the following commands:
$ echo bar > bar.txt
$ echo foo > m1.txt
$ rm m2.txt
$ mv m3.txt new-m3.txt
The file bar.txt was created—it is a new untracked file. The m1.txt file was
modified—it now contains foo instead of m1 . The next file— i1.txt —was deleted.
The last file— m3.txt —was renamed to new-m3.txt . The command $ git
status -sb now prints:
## info
M m1.txt
D m2.txt
D m3.txt
?? bar.txt
?? new-m3.txt
The above changes are not staged, of course. The repository is dirty, and you are in
the info branch.
Suppose that you forgot about your changes and for some reason want to checkout
the doc branch. The command:
$ git checkout doc
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