Information Technology Reference
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Figure 5-14 . Using HEAD with the ancestor references for the branch named info
Have you noticed the asterisk in front of *info branch name? As I told you: this is
a much easier way to show which branch you are currently on. The asterisk informs
you that .git/HEAD now contains the ref: refs/heads/info symbolic refer-
ence. This idea is not mineā€”it is taken from the output of the $ git branch com-
mand that would now be:
* info
Maybe you noticed that the command $ git checkout [REVISION] works
differently depending on its parameter. If the parameter is a SHA-1 name, then the
command enters detached HEAD state. If, on the other hand, you pass a branch name,
the command will change your current branch. You can force the detached HEAD state
with a --detached option, for example $ git checkout --detached mas-
ter .
The above rules apply even if you pass the SHA-1 of the commit pointed to by a
branch. Assuming that $ git log --oneline --decorate prints:
7c9bc41 (HEAD, master) m3
the command:
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