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bar . Right now, there is no remote repository; therefore all the branches are ordinary
local branches.
Hint Local tracking branches and remote tracking branches exist only in a reposit-
ory containing at least one remote section in a configuration file. It doesn't make sense
to talk about remote tracking branches and local tracking branches in an isolated repos-
5-3. Creating a clone-with-branches alias
You want to create an alias that will simplify the process of cloning a repository with
branches. You want to be able to clone a repository and copy its branches with a single
$ git clone-with-branches URL directory
The first parameter—URL—should point to an existing repository (a URL or a local
path). The second parameter— directory —sets the name for the directory you
want the clone to be stored in. Here is how we should clone the repository from Recipe
$ git clone-with-branches 05-01 05-03
and jQuery:
$ git clone-with-branches :jquery/
jquery.git jquery-local-clone
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