Information Technology Reference
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The new repository contains only one branch named master . You can verify it
with the $ git branch command. Its tip is stored using loose format in the file
.git/refs/heads/master . To create a branch named info that will correspond
to the branch with the same name in the cloned repository, execute the following com-
$ git checkout info
The command will print the message that the branch info is set up to track a re-
mote branch:
Branch info set up to track remote branch info from
Switched to a new branch 'info'
After the above command the repository will contain two branches: master and
info . It can be verified with the $ git branch command.
In the same manner you can create the branch named doc :
$ git checkout doc
The repository 05-02 now contains three branches master , info , and doc .
Finish the recipe creating branches foo and bar :
$ git checkout -b foo master
$ git checkout -b bar master
The command $ git branch -a -vv outputs the following information:
* bar 7c9bc41 m3
doc 23d9855 [origin/doc] d3
foo 7c9bc41 m3
info 0d6501b [origin/info] i3
master 7c9bc41 [origin/master] m3
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
remotes/origin/doc 23d9855 d3
remotes/origin/info 0d6501b i3
remotes/origin/master 7c9bc41 m3
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