Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
* 0d6501b (info) i3
* ab087d1 i2
* 6f4364e i1
| * 23d9855 (HEAD, doc) d3
| * f7651b8 d2
| * 6042953 d1
* 7c9bc41 (master) m3
* 9cf5f5a m2
* ebf4409 m1
The parameter --graph passed to $ git log turns on the visibility of lines con-
necting commits, --oneline compresses the output to a line pre-commit with
SHA-1 shortened to seven characters and --decorate turns on symbolic references
such as HEAD , master , doc , and info . The parameter --all for $ git log and
$ gitk commands has the same meaning: it causes the revisions stored in all
branches available in the repository to be included. By default, only the commits in-
cluded in the current branch are displayed.
If you now switch to the branch named master with the command:
$ git checkout master
the working directory will contain only three files m1.txt , m2.txt, and m3.txt .
You can verify it with the $ ls command . In a similar fashion, if you switch to the
branch doc with $ git checkout doc , then the working directory will contain
six files: d1.txt , d2.txt , d3.txt , m1.txt , m2.txt , and m3.txt . And if you
switch to the branch info , the working directory will contain the files: i1.txt ,
i2.txt , i3.txt , m1.txt , m2.txt , and m3.txt . That's why I insist on creating
commits such as m1 , m2 , d1 , d2 , and so forth. You can easily verify how the com-
mands you issue influence the working directory. A simple $ ls command will show
you the complete contents of your working directory—there's no need to inspect the
Hint You can list the files stored in the info branch without switching branches with
the $ git show info^{tree} command. In a similar way, you can list the files in
an arbitrary revision with $ git show SHA-1^{tree} .
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