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Reset the state of the repository to the first revision:
$ git reset --hard c4ac
Although the history printed with $ git l now contains only one revi-
sion— c4ac a —the other two revisions— 5c1ec and 4580b —are still available in
the database. You can restore them using their names or reflog. We did this in Recipe
Right now the $ git reflog command prints the following output:
c4ac743 HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to c4ac
5c1ee9a HEAD@{1}: commit: c
45800dd HEAD@{2}: commit: b
c4ac743 HEAD@{3}: commit (initial): a
This means that the revisions 5c1ee9ac and 45800ddb are available under the
symbolic names HEAD@{1} and HEAD@{2} . We call this type of revisions dangling
revisions . Let's clear the reflog with:
$ git reflog expire --all --expire=now
After this command the reflog becomes empty. The $ git reflog command returns
empty results. It means that right now revisions 5c1ee9ac and 45800ddb are avail-
able only through their names. There are no symbolic names leading to revisions b and
c . If that is the case, git can remove revisions from the database. This type of revisions
is called unreachable revisions .
Let's check, which objects stored in the .git/objects database are accessible
only by SHA-1 names:
$ git prune --dry-run
The output will contain—among the other things—two revisions:
45800ddc19fa325296437fdbd7cc7e5654619597 commit
5c1ee9a3f19f854c783fa87003cb1ecc5508971d commit
If you compare the output of $ git l , you will see that the output contains the
names of revisions 5c1ec and 4580b . In other words, if you now execute the com-
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