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5 Włodzimierz Gajda
1 John Doe
1 Paul "Moo" Cowboy
1 johny
Hint We have four different authors right now, and we will proceed with mail map-
ping. I encourage you, however, to check the results returned by $ git shortlog
-s -n when the repository contains revisions authored by following authors: name =
"Paul "Moo" Cowboy", name = Peter ;Moo Cowboy, name =
"Peter ;Moo Cowboy", name = "Peter "Moo" Cowboy" . These ex-
amples are helpful to understand the parsing of .gitconfig file. It is especially help-
ful to understand the handling of quotes and comments.
To proceed with mapping names and emails, restore your name and email in the
.gitconfig file to your original data. I would type:
name = Włodzimierz Gajda
email =
You have to replace the above data with your name and email.
Now, create the file .mailmap :
$ vi .mailmap
Remember that the .mailmap file has to be stored in the root of the working dir-
ectory in your current project. Otherwise it will have no effect. Type the following con-
tents (replace my email with your own):
My New Extra Name < >
When you save the .mailmap file the command:
$ git shortlog -s -n
It will return:
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