Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 3:Building Applica-
tions from Templates
In This Chapter
Using the OS X Application templates
Using the iOS Application templates
Customizing the standard templates
Assembling the ingredients of an application by hand in Xcode isn't a trivial process. It's faster and more conveni-
ent to start from a ready-made template, extending it as needed.
Xcode includes templates for different types of iOS and OS X applications, including plug-ins and other special
projects for OS X developers. Getting started with a template is easy. All templates include a bare skeleton of es-
sential code and are guaranteed to build and run successfully.
You can make development more efficient by adding your own templates to Xcode's collection. The standard
templates are very simple and limited. Some include features that you may not need, and most leave out useful
features that can simplify development.
You can use the template system to create complex skeleton apps with almost any amount of code. For example,
you could create a game template for iOS that includes a custom framework for graphics management, collision
detection, and user input. This template could be reused as the starting point for a series of game projects.
Getting Started with Templates
You can access Xcode's template screen in two ways. Figure 3.1 shows Xcode's startup window. By default, this
window appears when you launch Xcode. To show the templates, select the Create a new Xcode project option
from the list at the left.
You can stop Xcode from showing this window by unchecking the Show this window when Xcode launches option
near the bottom of the window. The Recents pane at the right is useful, so typically you'll want to see this screen.
Xcode's initial boot screen shows recent files, access to Open Other for not so recent files, and the Create a new
Xcode project option that gives access to the templates.
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