Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Using the Breakpoint Navigator
The Breakpoint Navigator, shown in Figure 15.20, displays a list of all breakpoints in the project. You can use
this list to simplify breakpoint management. You can enable, disable, and delete breakpoints in a single window
without having to find and edit the corresponding file. The options in the right-click menu are similar to those
available for a single breakpoint, with a couple of additions:
Move Breakpoints To: Use this to group breakpoints. You can enable and disable every breakpoint in a
group with a single menu selection. There are three groups: Project, User, and <project name>. By default
all breakpoints are in the <project name> group. There's no way to create further custom groups. But you
can command-click any number of breakpoints to create a single manual multiple selection.
Share Breakpoints: Use this option to export breakpoints to a file that can be shared with other deve-
FIGURE 15.20
Working with the Breakpoint Navigator
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