Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Inside the repository you'll see two other items:
A Branches item: Initially, this shows a single item called Master. If you create further branches, they ap-
pear here.
A <ProjectName> folder: This shows the current state of the project on disk. When you add files to a
project, they appear in this folder. They don't appear in Root until you commit the project.
Editing a project with Git support
Git support is transparent, so you can develop a project in the usual way while Git is active.
Try this example:
1. Add an extra Objective-C class to the project by right-clicking the <ProjectName> group in the Pro-
ject Navigator and selecting New File.
2. Create a new subclass of NSObject and save it with the default MyClass name.
3. Make a small, but obvious, change to the original LocalGitAppDelegate.m file
The example shown in Figure 14.7 has been extended with a single comment.
4. Save the edited file with File Save.
Note the icons that appear next to certain files after you save them. The M stands for “modified” and indic-
ates that a file has been changed since the last commit. The A stands for “added.” These icons are added by
the Git system, and only appear when a project uses Git.
Figure 14.7
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