Information Technology Reference
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Although this list looks long, many of the images are optional, so you can get by with a more minimal selection.
For the iPad, there are two default images rather than one: Default-Portrait.png and Default-Landscape.png.
Optionally, you can add further default images to suit the LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight, and PortraitUp-
sideDown orientations: Default-LandscapeLeft.png and so on. The default screen size is 1024 x 768, but you
may need to remove 20 pixels from one edge when the status bar is visible.
All files except the screenshots should be added to the application in the Project navigator. For convenience,
add them to the Resources group.
If you're having problems getting Xcode 4 to recognize PNG files during validation (see later in this section), try
saving them with the Generic RGB color profile. The default is sRGB, and Xcode 4 sometimes doesn't accept files
with this profile.
Creating a new build configuration
The build settings for an App Store release typically use a modified version of the default Release build config-
uration. You can create one in two ways:
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