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Editing a snippet
To edit a snippet, click anywhere on it in the Library to view the code, and click the Edit button at the lower
right. You'll see the dialog shown in Figure 9.8.
Editing a snippet
Currently, you can only edit User snippets. To create your own version of one of the existing snippets, copy and
paste the code into a User snippet and save it with a new name.
You can now edit the following settings:
Title: This defines the name that appears in the Library list.
Summary: This defines the short description that appears in the Library list.
Platform: Select iOS, OS X, or All. Currently this feature does nothing—all snippets are user snip-
pets—but it may be more useful in future versions of Xcode.
Language: This defaults to Objective-C. You can select a different language manually.
Completion shortcut: You can leave this empty or fill it with any unique string to provide a quick-access
keyboard shortcut for Code Completion.
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