Information Technology Reference
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Naming new files
Xcode doesn't enforce a naming convention for new files, so it's up to you to name files using a scheme that
works for you. By default, the class files are named class.m and class.h , which is unhelpful, especially if
you use more than one class.
It's good practice to include both the project and functional class name in every new class; for example, a new
view controller for the flip view in an iOS project might be called FlipsideViewController . Terse and
obscure names such as AClass or MyClass will confuse you later and are best avoided.
Adding a new class
When you add a new Objective-C class, Xcode automatically adds a header file to the project. Where needed, it
also adds a matching implementation file to the project. There are five templates for iOS classes and four tem-
plates for OS X classes, with significant overlap, as shown in Table 5.1.
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