Agriculture Reference
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Indentation force deflection value - formerly called the RMA value. Taken as 25%
Inhibitor - a substance that slows down a chemical reaction. Sometimes used to
prolong shelf-life.
Impeller - the power-driven blades used to mix chemicals.
In-line cutters - cutting machines installed directly on a continuous extrusion.
In-line mixer - a special mixer that has been added to pre-mix one or more minor
components before entering the main stream.
Integral skin foam - a moulded composite foam product having a dense outer skin
and soft core.
Inter-locked system - practice of using a single power source to drive two or more
fluid metering systems.
Internal mix - practice of mixing the various components inside a mixing vessel
and then discharging them through one or two ports.
Irregular cells - a foam having a mixture of widely varying cells.
Isotropic - foam characterised by having the same strength in all directions.
Jacketed tank - a tank having an additional shell with cooling or heating devices.
K factor - a measure of the insulation ability or thermal conductivity of a
composite material.
Lag - the delay or reduction in flow that occurs if a restriction in flow causes a
build-up of pressure.
Lamination - adhering two or more sheets together to form a thicker product.
Lead lag - the problem of non-uniform flows of components at start-up.
Lead time - the time between the end of mixing and extrusion.
Linear molecule - a long-chain molecule in contrast to one having many side
chains or branches.
Machine tanks - tanks that form a part of a composite machine with metering
Manual flush - a manual operation to clean the mixing head with solvent.
Mass effect - the influence the total amount of chemicals poured has on the density.
Masterbatch - a mixture resulting from premixing as many minor ingredients as
Matrix - a polymer acts as the matrix in polymer composites.
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