Agriculture Reference
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Blowing reaction - a chemical reaction resulting in the release of carbon dioxide.
Board foot - a unit of measurement (square foot by one inch).
Boiling - gas generated during foaming that is not contained inside and escapes.
Bonding - synonym for gluing, laminating or re-bonding.
Bulking agent - material added to increase the volume of a mixture.
Bulk storage - large tanks or containers to store components in large volumes.
Burp - condition in which a 'puff' of gas is released during foaming.
Calibration - synonym for controlled metering of components into a dispenser.
Catalysts - compounds capable of increasing the speed of chemical reaction.
Catalyst mix - a combination of catalysts to help balance blowing/gelation
Cell count - the number of cells per linear inch or centimetre.
Cell membrane - thin intact polymer film that forms a cell.
Cell size - average diameter of pores (often referred to as 'fine', 'medium' or 'coarse').
Cellular plastic - expanded or foamed plastic such as expanded polystyrene (EPS).
Centipoise - 1/100 th of a poise (viscosity is commonly expressed in poise).
Chain extension - end-to-end lengthening of main polymer molecules chains.
Charging - process of filling machine tanks with chemicals.
Chiller - method of maintaining chemical components at desired temperatures.
Chopper - device used to cutoff composite trims to small pieces.
Closed cells - foam cells closed completely (e.g. semi-rigid or rigid foams).
Closed loop - electronic automatic control system for set parameters.
Collapse - sudden or complete loss of foam height after foam has risen.
Colourant - pigment or dyes used for colouring plastics.
Complete package - a complete continuous processing line.
Components - different constituents used in a composite mix.
Composite - a material consisting of two or components combining to give more
strength than each component separately.
Compression - loss of initial height of foam due to body weight.
Compression load deflection - resistance to compression of a composite sample.
Compressive strength - resistance of a composite to compression.
Continuous mixing head - mixing device such as on a continuous compounding
Constituents - the reinforcing components of a composite material.
Converting - cutting and fabrication of composites as saleable items.
Conveyor belt - moving surface of material (metal, rubber or other) used to move
extruded profiles.
Core density - density at the centre of a composite.
Cracks - long, narrow openings or cavities due to faulty formulation or weighing.
Cross-section - can refer to shape or area of a profile (e.g., round, square).
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