Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
to/from Buffers
to/from Buffers
Fig. 14
PE-CU-PE controls
In order to avoid such deadlock, a priority decoder is needed to modify the state,
so that internal particle balancing network can be established. A priority decoder is
used to set and reset the connections between sources and destinations based on all
flag SD i so that data conflict does not occur. As shown in Table 3 , each set of flag SD i
may have multiple possibilities.
The connection termination condition is when the source does not have any
particles in the RTB id or the destination received enough particles. Once any one
of these conditions is satisfied, the connection is reset and a new connection is
established. In order not to get back to the original condition, the controller must
ensure that at least one particle is transferred before terminating the connection.
Otherwise it will get back to the original condition and cause an infinite loop without
any particle transfer. If there are no particles in RTB id and N RB i +
N TB i 1 +
N RT B iu =
N PT R i =
0, the corresponding PE CU i interface will not participate in the particle
Concurrent Execution Control
There are four major controller components for proper execution of the CU as shown
in Fig. 14 . A status generator generates all the necessary signals to be used by
various components of the controller. The signals are mainly generated using the
buffer counters as shown in Fig. 15 . Since all the buffers are distributed, the status
generator is physically distributed. These signals are used by the exchange con-
troller, priority decoder, and independent PE CU interface controller. The exchange
controller decides the pairing of buffers for the particle transfers. The priority
decoder generates correct pairing of each PE CU interface based on the current
state of the internal particle balancing.
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