Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Distributed algorithms offer a new approach to computer vision. Nodes in a
distributed system communicate explicitly through mechanisms that have non-zero
cost in delay and energy. This constraint encourages us to consider algorithms that
refine the representation of a scene in stages with predictable ways of combining
data within a stage. Distributed algorithms are, in general, more difficult to develop
and prove correct, but they also provide advantages such as robustness. Distributed
signal processing may require new statistical representations of signals that can
be efficiently shared over the network while preserving the useful properties of
the underling signal. We also need a better understanding of the accuracy of
the approximations underlying distributed signal processing algorithms—how do
termination conditions affect the accuracy of the estimate, for example.
This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under
grant 0720536.
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2. den Bergh, M.V., Koller-Meier, E., Kehl, R., Gool, L.V.: Real-time 3d body pose estimation.
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3. Bimbo, A.D., Dini, F., Pernici, F., Grifoni, A.: Pan-tilt-zoom camera networks. In: H. Aghajan,
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4. Boykov, V., Huttenlocher, D.: Adaptive bayesian recognition in tracking rigid objects. In:
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5. Bramberger, M., Quaritsch, M., Winkler, T., Rinner, B., Schwabach, H.: Integrating multi-
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6. Candy, J.V.: Boostrap particle filtering. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 73 , 73-85 (2007)
7. Coates, M.: Distributed particle filters for sensor networks. In: Information Processing in
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8. Collins, R.T., Lipton, A.J., Fujiyoshi, H., Kanade, T.: Algorithms for cooperative multisensory
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9. Fleuret, F., Berclaz, J., Lengagne, R., Fua, P.: Multicamera people tracking with a probabilistic
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10. Hartley, R.I., Zisserman, A.: Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, second edn.
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