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In-Depth Information
Figure 3-6 shows the required and optional headers. Some headers are strictly
required and must be present and precise for a WebSocket connection to succeed. Other
headers in this handshake are optional but allowed because the handshake is an HTTP
request and response. After a successful upgrade, the syntax of the connection switches
over to the data-framing format used to represent WebSocket messages. Connections
will not succeed unless the server responds with the 101 response code, Upgrade header,
and Sec-WebSocket-Accept header. The value of the Sec-WebSocket-Accept response
header is derived from the Sec-WebSocket-Key request header and contains a special key
response that must match exactly what the client expects.
Computing the Key Response
To successfully complete the handshake, the WebSocket server must respond with a
computed key. This response shows that the server understands the WebSocket Protocol
specifically. Without the exact response, it might be possible to dupe some unsuspecting
HTTP server into upgrading a connection accidentally!
This response function takes the key value from the Sec-WebSocket-Key header sent
by the client and returns the computed value that the client expects in the returning
Sec-WebSocket-Accept header. Listing 3-3 uses the Node.js crypto API to compute the
SHA1 hash of the combined key and suffix:
Listing 3-3. Computing the Key Response Using the Node.jspto API Crypto API
var KEY_SUFFIX = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11";
var hashWebSocketKey = function(key) {
var sha1 = crypto.createHash("sha1");
sha1.update(key + KEY_SUFFIX, "ascii");
return sha1.digest("base64");
The kEY_SUFFIX in listing 3-3 is a constant key suffix included in the protocol
specification that every WebSocket server must know.
In the WebSocket opening handshake and computing the key response, the
WebSocket protocol relies on Sec- headers that are defined in RFC 6455. Table 3-2
describes these WebSocket Sec- Headers.
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