HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 5-13. Adding Interaction to the User Selections (Rock, Paper, or Scissors)
// ActiveMQ STOMP connection URL
var url = "ws://";
// ActiveMQ username and password. Default value is "guest" for both.
var un, pw = "guest";
var client, src, dest;
// Variables holding the state whether the local and remote user had his/her
turn yet
var hasUserPicked, hasOpponentPicked = false;
// HTML code for the opponent's three buttons and
// variable for opponent's pick
var opponentsBtns = '<button id="opponentRockBtn" name="opponentRock"
disabled="disabled">Rock</button>' + '<button id="opponentPaperBtn"
name="opponentPaper" disabled="disabled">Paper</button>' +
'<button id="opponentScissorsBtn" name="opponentScissors"
var opponentsPick;
// Variables for this user's three buttons
var rockBtn, paperBtn, scissorsBtn;
// Testing whether the browser supports WebSocket.
// If it does, fields are rendered for users' names
$(document).ready(function() {
if (!window.WebSocket) {
var msg = "Your browser does not have WebSocket support. This example
will not work properly.";
$("#nameFields").css("visibility", "hidden");
$("#instructions").css("visibility", "visible");
// Getting started with the game. Invoked after
// this user's and opponent's name are submitted
var startGame = function() {
// Disabling the name input fields
$("#myName").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#opponentName").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#goBtn").attr("disabled", "disabled");
// Making the instructions and buttons visible
$("#instructions").css("visibility", "visible");
$("#buttons").css("visibility", "visible");
// Queues are named after the players
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