Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Turn on the HP 54510 by pressing the power key at the back of the
Connect the input signal to any of the four available channels: chan-
nel 1 , channel 2, channel 3 or channel 4 .
Press autoscale , and observe the waveform on the display screen.
To display the peak-to-peak amplitude of the signal, press function key
(blue key) and press Vp-p .
To display the maximum amplitude of the signal, press function key
(blue key) and press Vmax .
To display the minimum amplitude of the signal, press function key
(blue key) and press Vmin .
To display the frequency of the signal (if the signal is periodic), press
function key (blue key) and press freq .
To display the time period of the signal (if the signal is periodic), press
function key (blue key) and press period .
Press save to save the currently displayed waveform to memory,
with a file name.
Press recall to display any saved waveform from memory, by spec-
ifying the appropriate file name.
Press display to adjust the format of the display, such as gridlines
( on or off ) and dotted line , or full line display.
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