Geology Reference
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should bring back interesting rocks and minerals for the
Museum as the area was completely unexplored geologically. At
the end of the conversation, and perhaps anticipating the young
man's potential, Prior invited Holmes to become a member of
the Society and kindly o¬ered to nominate him. Writhing with
embarrassment because he did not have the necessary £5 fee,
although dearly wishing to join this elite group, Holmes had to
decline. 'Money will be the necessity. Influence I have in
plenty for these Societies' , he wrote in his diary that evening.
It is events such as these upon which our lives turn. Holmes
decided there and then that if o¬ered a place on the
Mozambique trip he would take it. Dating the age of the Earth
would just have to wait.
The expedition's candidates were kept waiting for nearly a
month before the results of their interviews were known, but
after endless telephone calls all three were o¬ered a six month
contract as prospecting geologists in Mozambique, if they
agreed to a revised salary of £35 a month each. There was little
hesitation before they all accepted. The time passed in a rush of
excitement. With less than a month before they were due to
depart Holmes still had eleven laboratory analyses to be com-
pleted, an article on the results to be written, preparations to be
made for the trip and farewells to be said to the family.
A month's advance on his salary meant he could pay o¬ his
debts and buy new outfits for Mozambique - two white 'safari'
suits - as well as enough topics to keep him occupied for six
months and all the equipment he would need, including a pair
of pistols in case of lions. It also meant that he could show o¬
a little of his new found a¬luence so he treated his dear Edie
with her younger sister Alice to the pantomime. Being held up
on the bus on the way to collect them he leapt o¬ it and grabbed
a taxi, arriving in unaccustomed and impressive style. They
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