Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
6.2 Evaluating Technology in the Lab
Evaluating a new AT in the lab can be a challenge for even the most rigorous
scientist with the best of intentions. Depending on the target user population,
identifying a sucient number of potential users who are able to travel to the
lab to trial devices can be dicult. An alternative is to utilize single-subject
or “small N” experimental designs, but these are dicult to generalize.
As an example, consider the DriveSafe System (DSS) [ 15 ]. The target
user population for the DSS includes individuals who have both mobility
impairments and visual impairments. This population is small to begin with
and, almost by definition, has di culty traveling to a lab. We were only able
to successfully recruit two individuals from this population to test out the
DSS. One approach we took to augment our testing with potential users was
to use blindfolded able-bodied individuals as subjects.
Unfortunately, able-bodied subjects lack the orientation and mobility
(O&M) skills of individuals who are actually visually impaired. A second
approach was to blindfold actual O&M specialists, which was more realistic,
but not even O&M specialists have the navigation skills of someone who is
truly blind. A third approach we pursued was to use ambulatory blind individ-
uals. These participants had the appropriate navigation skills, but they were
unable to give us much insight into the needs of visually-impaired wheelchair
users. In all three cases, we were able to recruit enough participants to per-
form group statistical analyses, at the expense of a realistic appraisal of the
system's performance with the target user group.
A significant obstacle to accurately evaluating some technologies is the
need for lots of training. Some technologies are inherently dicult to master,
especially in cases where using a different technology outside of the lab in
between training sessions can interfere with retention of skills taught during
training. Even with regular use, some technologies can take months to mas-
ter. For example, operating an augmentative and alternative communication
(AAC) device with a sophisticated language encoding scheme like Semantic
Compaction [ 1 ]isakintolearninganewlanguage.
In the case of the DSS, some participants were given several hours of
training prior to initiating data collection. Participants needed to learn how
to operate a powered wheelchair that occasionally refused to travel in the
indicated direction because of perceived obstacles. Then, participants needed
to learn how to do this blindfolded.
A final obstacle to evaluating AT in the lab is the decision of what to
measure. Investigators often emphasize speed at the expense of other valid
measures like accuracy, comfort, or workload. When evaluating the DSS, for
example, we knew the DSS was likely to cause participants to take longer to
complete navigation tasks because the DSS slows down the wheelchair in the
presence of obstacles. A participant completing a navigation task without the
DSS could drive straight from the start point to the goal, if he or she chose,
completing the navigation task in the shortest time possible at the expense of
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