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anyone via the Internet. In a matter of days, the innovator's AT solution
arrives via post for evaluation and design iteration. Post your design to your
community and let them help create the ideal solution. If the solution works
for one individual, chances are that it will work for others.
What does the future hold for technology innovations for persons with a
disability? Who knows? But a safe bet would be that an individual with a
disability is behind the innovation effort.
11.4 Afterword
The author of this chapter has been involved with spinal cord injury and
assistive technology research for over 10 years and is a wheelchair user. He
recently started his own small business to bring novel wheelchair technology
to the marketplace. This real-world experience, in combination with discus-
sions with several colleagues who have backgrounds in the AT industry (see
Acknowledgments), shaped much of the commentary in this chapter.
Acknowledgements The following individuals have each contributed AT innovations to
the marketplace: Murray Slagerman of Ki Mobility LLC, Dr. Arthur Prochazka of the
University of Alberta, Dr. Mark Richter of Max Mobility LLC, and Harry Lew of the Neil
Squire Society. I would like to thank them for their very helpful comments on this chapter.
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[4] Cooper R (1998) Wheelchair selection and configuration. Demos Medical
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[5] Cooper R (2006) Wheelchair standards: It's all about quality assurance
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[6] Cooper RA, Cooper R, Boninger M (2008) Trends and issues in wheelchair
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[7] Ladner R (2010) Personal communication
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