Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
4. How much control should users have over their sensor data? Why are
specific types of sensor data more acceptable from a user's point of view
than others?
5. Ubiquitous sensing technologies may require additional computing, stor-
age, and communications infrastructure. How could this burden be mit-
igated to prevent potential derailment of new AT?
6. Ubiquitous sensing may be a deterrent for some people, but if designed
well, could be desirable (e.g., an iPhone-based application for route
finding via wheeled mobility). When is such technology desirable, or
detracting, from the user's point of view?
1. How does level of customization of AT affect a user's sense of agency?
Are “generic” technologies less beneficial/useful?
2. How should concerns about agency impact technology design and use?
3. How can AT be designed to physically prevent or deter violations of a
user's privacy or personal space?
4. Novelty and a steep learning curve can be significant barriers to the
adoption of AT. How does switching to a new type of AT impact a
user's sense of self?
5. How can novel technologies be designed to integrate seamlessly into the
physical and social environments of the users and their surroundings?
6. To what end can sophisticated technologies be made user-friendly for
people who are unfamiliar with computers, etc. (e.g., the elderly)?
7. What best-practices can ensure that devices are made from a need-based
pull, as opposed to a technology-push?
Safety and Mobility
1. What design practices can make AT more easily and reliably customiz-
able to individual users?
2. What factors determine when mobility AT is warranted for a specific
3. Under what circumstances should information recorded about the safety
of a person's previous mobility behaviors be used to restrict or enhance
the future capabilities of their mobility AT?
4. What best-practices in device and algorithm design could make mobility
AT more robust to obsolescence? Given the high cost of mobility AT,
what technologies would be required to make mobility AT modular and
5. What infrastructure should be developed to enable people who use mo-
bility AT (e.g., Segways that may not be operated on sidewalks, powered
wheelchair restrictions in group homes)?
6. How much control should group home residents have over their powered
mobility AT? What other mechanisms could assure safe driving without
sacrificing user autonomy?
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