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Figure 3-14. Separated by self-justification.
Retrospective sensemaking is an invisible yet powerful force in our lives. As Karl Weick sug-
gests, when what precedes why, it's impossible to undo.
People need to be less casual about action since whatever they do has the potential to bind them and fo-
cus their sensemaking. l xxxiii
That's why we must make time and space to explore before we act. As Dave Gray explains, in
knowledge work our goals are fuzzy, creativity is vital, and the path to success is not a straight
line. In Gamestorming , he presents the shape of innovation in three acts. lxxxiv Act one is diver-
gent. We open minds and expand options with optimism and freedom. Act two is emergent. We
explore by seeking patterns, testing prototypes, and trusting serendipity. Act three is conver-
gent. We employ synthesis and evaluation to come together and make a decision. Dave sketches
this process - open, explore, close - as a stubby pencil sharpened at both ends, but in my mind
it's a spork with space-time between the handle and tine.
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