Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Regions at a Glance
Showrooms & Studios
Finnish design is a byword for quality, but it's not just the reliable excellence of the big-
name brands that impresses. Wander through Helsinki's back streets to discover numerous
small ateliers and shops displaying the quirky, the innovative, the oh-dear and the brilliant.
See the Sights
Finns are very fond of museums, and Helsinki has an enviable selection. There are so many
that you'll have to rigorously prune most of them, but there are enough must-see galleries
and exhibitions to keep you busy for several days.
New Suomi Cuisine
Finnish food unfairly had a bad rap for years, but Helsinki's fine-dining restaurants turn
heads all over the north. Ally that with traditional places serving heart-warming wintry fare
and a wonderful array of offbeat drinking options, and you've got quite a package.
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