Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Finland Today
Though Finland was affected by the global downturn, overall this hundred-
year-old nation is in good health, always scoring highly on indexes measur-
ing quality of life, education, democracy and equality. Bailouts and increased
immigration have led some to question involvement in the euro and EU, but
in general the country is focused on tackling challenges like climate change
together with the rest of Europe.
Best on Film
MMan W
n With
ithout a P
ut a Pastt(2002) One of Aki Kaurismäki's best.
Miestten V
n Vuuorro(Steam of Life; 2010) Brilliant documentary of men sharing the stor-
ies of their lives in the sauna.
Tuunttematton So
ilas(The Unknown Soldier; 1955) Considered Finland's greatest
film about the Winter War.
n Sottila
Best in Print
ala(Elias Lönnrot) Readable 'national epic' compiled from the songs of bards.
TThe Y
e Year o
r of th
f the Ha
e Harre(Arto Paasilinna) Offbeat tale of hare-y travels.
SSeven B
n Brrottherrs(Aleksis Kivi) Nineteenth-century Finnish classic.
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