Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
There are 24-hour coin-operated left-luggage lockers at the train and bus stations (€3 to
Pori's small airport, 2km south of the town centre, has some charter flights but few-to-no
domestic services outside the jazz festival.
Frequent direct daily services:
Helsinki (€42.80, four hours)
Rauma (€11.80, one hour)
Tampere (€20.60, 2½ hours); some services require a change at Huittinen and take con-
siderably longer
Turku (€28.80, 2¼ hours)
Vaasa (€38.10, 3¼ hours)
Frequent services include Tampere (€19.20, 1½ hours, six daily), which has good connec-
tions to/from Helsinki (€38.30, three to four hours, 10 daily).
Getting Around
Local buses run from the kauppatori to the beach at Yyteri (€5.50, 40 minutes, hourly
Monday to Friday, four daily Saturday and Sunday).
The tourist office's excellent Pori Pyöräilykartta details cycling paths around town. Hire
bikes from Porin Kaupungin Vapaa-aikavirastosta ( GOOGLE MAP ; 044-701-1421; ;Isolinnankatu 12;per day €7; 8.30am-6.30pm Jun-Aug, 8.30am-4.30pm Mon-Fri Sep-
May) .
06 / Pop 7080
Named for Queen Kristina of Sweden, seaside Kristinestad (Finnish: Kristiinankaupunki)
was founded in the mid-17th century by maverick count Per Brahe. It was once a booming
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